
3.8 Interacts effectively with students, staff, administration, parents, and the community to promote and expand the school library media program

1.  Student Evaluation Form: I took a survey of what books the students preferred from the talks and what books they like to read. I will give these results to Julie after I have charted them.

2. This is a picture of a book I checked out to a student. I recommended the title to him.
 3. This is a display of books I made to encourage interest in current young adult novels.
 4. This is a copy of an e-mail I sent to Ms. Smith. We are teaching a collaborative lesson next week integrating theme related activities across the entire curriculum.

Lesson for next week:
Irving, Amy Elizabeth
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 10:24 AM

Hi xxxxxx,

The purpose of my assignment is to develop a theme to teach all curriculum areas i.e. math, language arts, social studies, etc. I have done this before in that the 8th grade teachers picked a theme and then matched their subject to the theme. The students were exposed to the same idea in a their classes and taught how it relates to the subject. I will give you a call tomorrow night, and we can discuss what you want to teach. We can develop ideas on how to teach the math side, social studies side, language arts side, etc. I will do the research and leg work to develop the lesson and input any ideas that you have. The theme can be whatever you want to teach the students next week. Thanks, and I will talk to you soon.

Amy Irving